Twenty-Five Random Things About Me…

March 16, 2015 | Comments Off on Twenty-Five Random Things About Me…

25. I am late for a date as I write this!
24. But homework calls- go figure.
23. Why start with the Number One instead of going backwards?
22. The hard part of this is that Microsoft won’t automatically insert the numbers for me, I have to do this myself. I guess Microsoft feels the need to go in alphabetical order.
21. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, twitter, or snap chat.
20. I have an email account though.
19. And a school blog.
18. I took a ceramics class once in Queens College. My one regret is that it was my last semester and I can’t take art classes again, as much as I loved taking this class.
17. I love jewelry.
16. Sometimes on trains I will look at different people and try to imagine what their story is.
15. I managed to get 10 random facts about myself!
14. One of my favorite foods (juices?) is a lemon.
13. I am much closer to my dad than my mom.
12. I have always been very fascinated by Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church.
11. People have a tendency to say one thing and then change their mind, and then lie, as well as change their mind again while swearing by everything holy that they are honest people.
10. I know many people like this, mostly, businessmen.
9. I also know many people, mostly businessmen, who would sell their own mothers to make an extra penny.
8. They sell their souls and reputations on a daily basis.
7. On a cheerful note, I know many people who will genuinely help any person in need.
6. I am very late.
5. But almost done.
4. I sympathize with Matias Viegener for how much effort it takes to write 25 random things about myself, how much more so 2500 random things Matias Viegener had to write about himself.
3. As a child, I was very shy.
2. I am friendlier now.
1. But I am still shy.


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