Squirrels Stories

May 17, 2015 | Comments Off on Squirrels Stories

A filmmaker I know created an audio project about sharing difficult stories, and I thought I would post it here as her ideas behind the project connect well to our class themes. I wouldn’t say this is oversharing per say, but they certainly involve candor and breaking taboos around speaking about the body and other […]

Section Summary Draft

May 12, 2015 | Comments Off on Section Summary Draft

Here is a draft of one of the Anthology section summaries.  It is looking good and might be a helpful model for others.–CH SECTION SUMMARY: SEXUALITY AND SELF-DISCLOSURE Nicola Certo, Liz Foley and Kat Vecchio  Each public disclosure of a private reality becomes something of a magnet that can attract others with a similar frame […]

HIPPA Violations

May 10, 2015 | Comments Off on HIPPA Violations

Dear All, To follow up on our discussion in class re. a title for our anthology. We decided that we would go with “Persona” unless there were alternatives. So if you could post any alternative suggestions in the comments below, we can set up an electronic vote this week. Alternative title suggestions need to be […]

Title for our Anthology: Some Pre-Class Brainstorming

May 4, 2015 | Comments Off on Title for our Anthology: Some Pre-Class Brainstorming

Working TOC for Shared Anthology for MALS 70000 (Oversharing and Inventing the Self)   Possible Titles   Possible Subtitles   Private Selves, Public Worlds Shared Selves, Private Selves Persona Self Selfhood from the Inside Out   An Anthology on Selves Invented and Revealed An Anthology on Self Invention and Revelation An Anthology on Self Expression […]

Anthology Day

May 4, 2015 | Comments Off on Anthology Day

Hi All, I placed the working abstracts for Anthology Day into the Dropbox…here it is in pdf form. I will print out enough copies for everyone tomorrow…. See you tomorrow!  Carrie   Abstracts for Anthology Day

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