Miller and Viegener

March 12, 2015 | 2 Comments

Hi, Miriyam here, in “But Enough About Me What do You Think About My Memoir?”, Nancy K. Miller, talks about memoirs, less about narcissism and more about memory and people’s need to be memorialized and remembered. She talks about a generation stricken with metaphorical Alzheimer’s. I found this idea interesting particularly, since at the beginning of the semester we read how the rise of memoirs was seen as connected with narcissism and narcissistic tendencies. Do people think that Miller’s argument makes sense? How might this contrast with earlier times, where people were seen as remembered through their progeny? Can we discuss this as being connected to modern day birth control, where people are opting for smaller families, yet still have a desire to leave behind a tangible sense of self?

An interesting exercise might be to have the whole class say one random thing about themselves. I got this idea off of Matias Viegener’s book, 2500 Random Things About Me Too, in which he writes “Everybody has random details about themselves” (24).
One Random fact about me is that occasionally, I switch letters when I read, for example, Nancy K. Miller, I see as Nancy M. Killer, which can be a little awkward. Does anyone else have this as well?


2 Comments so far

  1. Carrie Hintz on March 12, 2015 4:22 pm

    Hi Maryam,
    I moved this post…you had erased the Reading Schedule page, which I will replace tomorrow when I am back in the office. In future, be sure to post as a “new post” rather than a “new page.” Many thanks! Carrie

  2. Miriyam Aronova on March 13, 2015 2:58 pm

    Opps, sorry professor. I did not mean to do that, I was trying to get an early start on the posting….




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